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During several days, melancholic, naïf sculptural presences occupy public spaces in the city.

They appear in a series of well frequented public spaces, returning at the same times each day, becoming part of the daily rhythm of the neighbourhood. Their hieratic, erring or immobile postures contrast with the bustle of the town.

They are discretely accompanied by a “mediator”, whose role is to keep ears and eyes open during the apparitions, and channel questions and comments of passersby into dialogue. As the days progress, this develops into a speculative narrative around possible meanings of their presence, part of which is noted by the mediator and printed in different formats (flyer, tract…) then distributed. Life size images of the presences are pasted on the city walls. Posters and postcards of them in the local landscape appear in kiosks, bars and shops.


We do not aim to produce a final performance, but to immerse ourselves in the daily life of the city, accumulating physical presences, encounters, images and phrases, and disseminating rumours and questions voiced by inhabitants. We will leave behind us a series of “souvenirs” of solitary figures that evoke loiterers, migrants, superheroes, priests, poets and idiots who, during a week, inhabited the city..

WOZU is a one-week-long hybrid project that visits a neighborhood. It is generally composed with two actions, each about 2h, which takes place every day at the same place, from Monday to Friday. Saturday or Sunday, we can organize a final meeting with the audience.


Artistic team : Sophie Borthwick (actor and artistic director), Pierre Pilatte (performer), Alexandre Thery (performer and dancer), Mathias Forge (performer and "mediator"), Nadir Bouassria (visual artist and – "the photograph"), Sophie Deck (live costumes) and 1 technician.


WOZU was supported by the Coopérative de Rue et de Cirque in Paris, theAtelline in Montpellier, the Paperie - CNAREP in Angers, and the Région île-de-France, the Région Languedoc-Roussillon and the city of Indre.

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